Over the years my passion for storytelling has developed into an art form. Telling stories that captivate audiences gives me a thrill and leaves them buzzing!
So where did it actually stem from? It started when I had to deliver a workshop about the Sikh way of life to groups of 8, 9 and 10 year olds. I found the best way to keep their attention was to present the information in story format - beginning, middle and end - and it worked. The teachers saw my presentation style was more storytelling and so compelling they called me back for their 'Book Week' and the rest is history as they say. I had never really classed myself as a storyteller but luckily I stuck to my simple style with some quirky humour and it got me through - phew! Now we have - Roop Singh – ‘The Storyteller with a Difference’.
So what's the difference? Literally - it's the way I tell ‘em! I can't sing, dance or play the flute but I can tell an old fashioned story and I will always make them real and relevant to my audience. I'm not into mythical creatures or talking trees, although I do have a story about a talking cup… Hmmm! These days I'm pushing young people to write their own stories. I'm finding students who would normally struggle to write three lines are now writing three pages and some of their stories are really amazing. Kids love my stories because they say they ‘laugh their heads off’. Teachers love them because it ticks all the boxes - speaking, listening and creative writing etc. Parents love them because their kids come home buzzing, and I love it because I get job satisfaction.
I remember once, I really pushed the boundaries to the limit. I started telling a story in Punjabi to 40 white, middle class children who never heard of a Sikh let alone seen one. But did they enjoy it..? - They loved it! And I still tell it at special storytelling events.
I hope you will give me the chance to serve you with my stories and experience for yourself Roop Singh – ‘The Storyteller with a Difference'.